Coastal tourism
Tourism is defined by the World Tourism Organisation as "all activities of people who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes". The term of "activity" herein means all kinds of individual business.
All tourism travellers are called "visitors". There are two categories of visitors: "tourists", who stay one night or more (and not more than one year) outside their usual environment; and "excursionists" who do not stay a night outside their ususal environment.
In France, summer stays in seaside resorts are the main mode of French tourist consumption. The tourist offer comprises the different types of commercial accommodation and a range of B to C services such as restaurants, cafés and travel agencies.
The Tourism Accounts are being revised in compliance with the international standards adopted in 2008 by the United Nations Statistical Commission.
International background
- As regards trends in the activity, several European countries including France receive important numbers of international visitors.
- China is taking up importance and plays a considerable role. In 2010, it became the third inbound market in terms of arrivals before Spain, and number 4 in terms of tourist spending before Italy.
- The US remained by far the world number 1 destination in terms of receipts.
- Germany remained the largest outbound tourism generator in terms of spending, just before the US.
- In terms of arrivals, France was the first destination mainly because it is a transit country. At world scale however, a downward trend in total arrivals for transit is observed, mainly because of the increasing share of air transport in international passenger traffic (source: UNWTO).
Tourist arrivals per main destination countries (million visitors)12
International tourism receipts per main destination country (billion US dollars)12
International tourism expenditure per main outbound tourism generating country (billion US dollars)1
Regional breakdown
In terms of number of night in 2009, PACA was by far the most important coastal tourism destination in France. However, in many coastal regions the number of nights is not only due to coastal tourism but also possibly to urban, countryside or mountain tourism.
Hotels in metropolitan France: number of nights in 2009 per coastal region
Key figures for the pleasure boating sector in France
2010 data if not otherwise specified.